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Article: A healthier way to throw a ball and stick with your dog


A healthier way to throw a ball and stick with your dog

For hunting control you need exercises for: stop/call/leave it/stay/gossip training (exercises for this can be found at the bottom). Once this is practiced you need to start training with the trigger. Don't throw balls uncontrolled for half an hour with a dog running after them like a fool with a high stress level. Be careful, this in turn can cause a lot of problem behaviors and stress. Having fighting games can mean the same thing if they are not moderated and controlled with the right individual. In short, if you ask me, I say a clear no to all forms of uncontrolled ball and stick throwing for a dog breed and individual with high energy that is close to stress. 5 tips for not abusing ball throwing.
  • Play short sessions.
  • Have routines in the game, controlled forms.
  • Use handoffs as in fetch when the dog must drop/leave the ball.
  • Don't have free access to balls at home.
  • Stop playing when you see predation behavior or hunting stress spikes.
The list applies to a dog that has not developed problem behaviors and a mania for balls. NOTE: I never recommend pin throwing due to injuries. Written by: Klemminghundar in collaboration with Hundstaff